Educational project
Taking into account that the nursery school is the kids first autonomous contact with the outside world, we feel the need to present a wide range of opportunities, experiences and sensations so that they see the world around them as something positive and rich. We want to awaken their curiosity to know, to invite them to learn how to learn by seeing, doing and making mistakes.
The first years of life are a good time to begin to convey the importance of work, effort and improvement and also to foster the creative capacity and imagination of children, enhancing their originality and individuality.
We help children to gain self-esteem and self-confidence by empowering their autonomy, good hygiene habits and personal health from daily routines.
We take into account the order, silence and peace that help them learn and grow.
We try to convey the importance of effort and self-demand in the small day to day tasks.
This is a key age for children to create a positive image of themselves, to know their body and also to understand and manage their emotions and reactions properly.
We want our students to be happy, to know how to coexist, and to make good use of their freedom while knowing the limits of it.

We believe in the richness that languages offer to those who can understand and speak them. Spanish, English and Catalan coexist in our society and also in our school. Spanish and Catalan are mostly mother tongues to our students and we introduce English as an additional language through their daily life in school.
In the school we respect and welcome all the languages our students speak. This way and in collaboration with families, we make visible the linguistic reality of all children.

Children from 0 to 3 learn moved by their interest and playing is the most natural way of learning and also its fundamental means of communication. In Petita Escola children have different places of play and learn, both in class and in outdoor spaces.

Education through values, which we consider basic for a full development of the person, works, logically, transversally in all activities and spaces of the school, but also specifically with children in between 2-3 years , whith whom we use stories as a resource. Some of the values that permeate our school are civility, citizenship, self-esteem and self-confidence, generosity and altruism, patience, respect, empathy, work and effort, prioritizing collaboration and sharing by, in front of the spirit of competition, among others.

We want the students of Petita Escola to know and take care of the world around them; from the school to the neighborhood we live in and towards the whole planet with all, people, animals and plants that inhabit it.
Huerto, Elvis (the rabbit of the school), ecological and proximity menus, …

Culture plays a very important role in school: the visual arts, literature, music, … Children observe, listen, think and create.
They also start in science through experimentation and manipulation.

At school we progressively attend from the affective development of children, their movement and their habits of body control, to the manifestations of communication and language. We also attend the elementary rules of coexistence and social relationship, as well as to the discovery of physical characteristics and of the environment in which they live. We facilitate that children develop a positive and balanced image of themselves and acquire personal autonomy.
In summary, we want a comprehensive education of children. Our main objective is well-being.
No educational methodology is perfect or enduring as it is presented in its infancy, but we are indeed inspired by some pedagogical models: Maria Montessori, Ovide Decroly, Célestin Freinet, Loris Malaguzzi and Emmi Pikler, are our main references.
Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Codi de Centre 08073818 Carrer Gomis, 26 08023 Barcelona.
Telèfon: 674005901